
Terminal Automation Solutions

Discover unparalleled efficiency and precision in terminal operations with Tachion Electricals and Controls Pvt. Ltd.'s advanced Terminal Automation solutions. We specialize in integrating cutting-edge technology to optimize the electrical and electronics components of terminal management, ensuring seamless and intelligent control.

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition):Utilizing SCADA systems for real-time monitoring and control of electrical processes, ensuring a centralized view of terminal operations.

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) Integration:Integration of PLC technology to automate and control various electrical functions, optimizing the efficiency of terminal equipment

Electrical Inventory Management:Implementing smart electrical inventory systems to monitor and manage electrical components, minimizing downtime and optimizing maintenance schedules.

Tank Farm Electrical Automation:Automation of electrical systems in tank farms, providing precise control over lighting, pumps, motors, and other electrical components for liquid bulk terminals.

Power Distribution Control:Smart control systems for power distribution, ensuring efficient allocation and utilization of electrical resources throughout the terminal.

Electrical Equipment Diagnostics:Proactive monitoring and diagnostics of electrical equipment to identify potential issues, reduce downtime, and enhance overall reliability.

Safety Systems Integration:Integration of advanced electrical safety systems, including emergency shutdowns and electrical hazard monitoring, to ensure a secure working environment.

Energy Management Solutions:Implementing energy-efficient solutions to optimize power consumption, reduce costs, and contribute to sustainable terminal operations.

Electrical Security Systems:Integration of advanced security systems, including CCTV and access control, to safeguard critical electrical infrastructure.

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Office Telephone: 022 2779 0273
Mobile: +91 8425831147
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Plot no 8, Sector 1, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400708
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